Our research group is currently engaged in a number of ongoing projects to innovate in the process used by industry in the creation of Intelligent Environments. We also run projects where the focus is more on the application and validation of these fundamental advances to identify areas of future contribution.
Reasoning and Learning Ensembles for Explainable Intelligent Environments (2023-2025) |
A collaborative project between JSI (Slovenia) and our Research Group to assess complementary tools, methods and datasets which can support emerging projects and initiatives. Funded by The Royal Society through the International Exchanges Scheme. |
![]() Encouraging Healthier Lifestyles |
A partnership with GLL and Barnet Council to encourage citizens increasing physical activity. |
Context-Aware |
As technology advances, the usage and applications of context-aware systems continue to spread across different areas in patient monitoring and disease management. It provides a platform for healthcare professionals to assess the health status of patients in their care using multiple relevant parameters. Existing technologies for cardiac patient monitoring are generally based on a single parameter, mostly the heart rate. Other important factors such as physical activities, time of the day, and nutritional conditions are usually ignored. We are creating a context-aware decision support system for cardiac condition monitoring and management using multiple vital signs from physiological and activity data of the patient. This research makes use of mobile computing, wireless communication, and machine learning techniques for measurement and analysis of patient’s contextual information. |
![]() Ambient Assisted Living Development |
Our Smart Home hosts services specifically designed to support people with cognitive decline and their carers. |
Revealing Young Learners’ Mental Models of Online Sludge | This project will provide preliminary insights to help specify roadmaps for research: in addressing the ongoing issue of youth exposure to digital deception. The project will augment existing research on adults with a focus on youth, as well as steering methodical innovation to explore and address issues in cyber security. |
Developing services for Individuals with Disabilities (DECIDE) | Project #: 598661-EPP-1-2018-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Number of Participants: 18 ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (CBHE) |
![]() Management of Respiratory Conditions |
The project considers how to use smart technologies (static and mobile) to help people with respiratory conditions in preventing acute episodes or assisting them when they occur. |
![]() Smart Environment Adaptation to New Users |
This project looks at how to personalize smart environments to specific users, currently wee are focused on the case of adapting a smart home to a user for the first time. |
![]() Managing User’s Preferences |
This project looks at way to facilitate the handling of User’s preferences in I.E.s, we are using a Smart Home as current experimental setting, so the system adjust dynamically its decisions and actions based on the latest knowledge it has about the preferences of the user(s) is helping. |
Supporting Group Collaboration |
This initiative is ongoing and leading to a mix of projects exploring how new technologies can support more positive collaborative team engagements. |
“SecUre aCCESSibility for the Internet of Things (SUCCESS)” is a research project funded by CHIST-ERA action on their 2015 call “User-Centric Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPTIoT)”.
Our project focuses on how to represent humans and the ways they interact with systems, and make security risks understandable for humans and secure IoT solutions accessible. |
“PersOnalized Smart Environments to increase Inclusion of people with DOwn’s syNdrome (POSEIDON)” is a project funded by the European Commission to support people with Down’s syndrome to be more included with society.

We have recently started a collaboration with Universidad Católica de Murcia (Spain) as an external partner in their national research project: “Desarrollo holístico de aplicaciones emergentes en sistemas heterogéneos” (HETEROLISTIC) which investigates heterogeneous computing platforms and their applications

A Framework Based on Mobile/wearable Platforms for the Development of Adaptive Systems Supporting Decision Making in Health (FRAMADAPT-HEALTH) external collaborator to a research project with University of Granada and the Hospital of Granada (Spain). Funder: Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Competitividad. 2017-2020.
Funded by the EPSRC and TSB under their Assisted Living Innovation Platform, the NOCTURNAL (Night Optimised Care Technology for UseRs Needing Assisted Lifestyles) project addresses the needs of people with the early stages of dementia at night, as well as those of their families and carers.
This project aims at the development of an “Ethical Framework for Intelligent Environment”. We are refining this framework and applying it to different projects to increase the ethical dimension of systems in this area.
“Requirements Engineering for Intelligent Environments” aims at the specialization of the elicitation of requirements in our area. This framework is guided and shaped by the ingredients defining intelligent Environments and their emphasis on User-centred concepts. We have concentrated on a subtype of IE: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).
The project on “User-centred Intelligent Environments Development Process” focuses on the strategy of developing software products for User-Centric systems. We are using this process to create our Intelligent Environments.
“Context-Aware Systems Engineering” aims at improving the standards to create Context-Aware systems, both in the methodology and the tools available to support the engineering of these systems
The project aims to develop a system involving Virtual Assistant which will learn from users’ habit and contextual profile (i.e. bed-time, tea-time, distance travel for a walk, waiting time for a bus), as a result, it will adapt the preferences based on the users’ interaction to the Avatar.
Our Research Group has good experience and a strong interest in the use of sensing technology to assist people in their daily lives.